We Do
What we do
Because we design bespoke packages of support for schools, MATs and LAs it is difficult to list all of the services we can offer. Instead, we offer a list of the work we have been excited and privileged to be involved in over the last few years.
- RADY coaching visits & virtual RADY coaching to support the implementation of RADY.
- Pupil Premium Reviews in individual schools in all phases and across whole Multi-Academy Trusts.
- Regular School Improvement Partner visits/virtual sessions to challenge and coach school leaders and provide external verification.
- Research into the aspirations of pupils, parents and staff across a multi-phase trust.
- Supporting leaders in constructing an effective SDP and SEF in many individual primary schools.
- Training senior leaders, middle leaders and governors in the use of data to support school improvement.
- Providing supervision, including virtual, for headteachers, heads of school and executive headteachers.
- Quality Assurance reviews focussing on the curriculum.
- Headteachers’ and CEO’s performance management/appraisal, including a virtual offer.
- Regular data review meetings to provide external perspective of actions taken to improve provision.
- Working with a group of schools to support leaders to improve progress for high prior attaining pupils.
- Subject and pastoral leader training and support.
- Supporting groups of schools in their move towards Multi-Academy trust status.
- Regular briefings and updates for Headteacher groups., including virtual sessions.
- Headteacher mentoring and coaching.
- Supporting and moderating trio peer reviews of groups of schools.
- Leading headteacher recruitment.