Our Testimonials
Hi Trevor, Thank you for the draft report we have shared it with the Chair of Governors today and feel that it is an accurate and productive report which supports our self evaluation. We found the collaborative review very useful, providing a snap shot of school today and identifying our next steps. The day was very thorough, challenging yet immensely constructive.

I just wanted to say thank you very much for everything you brought to the table on Wednesday. So thank you.
Assistant HeadteacherDerbyshire secondary
Firstly thank you for coming in on Friday it is so refreshing to listen to someone who has such passion and enthusiasm for raising the attainment of disadvantaged youngsters.
Deputy HeadteacherBedfordshire primary school
Thank you for your support on the visit last week - we always find your insights really helpful and the discussion is also so valuable. We are both happy with the summary of the visits as it is and there are some really useful points to take forward.
HeadteacherBedfordshire primary school
Thanks again for a very productive day yesterday. (Our school) is continuing to improve our provision thanks to your help, guidance and support. I feel staff are becoming more confident when having professional discussions now and so are subject leads.
HeadteacherStaffordshire Primary school
I spent some time yesterday looking through your report in line with my notes. I have fed back to all staff and we will focus on your questions in our next phase meeting. I feel the report is really accurate, thanks for pulling it together. I will share it with governors. It was really good to have some external eyes in school challenging us.
HeadteacherShropshire primary schools
It has been a delight, learned lots and really enjoyed the whole experience. That is what school improvement should look like!
Executive HeadteacherShropshire
Your report seems sharp to me! It is a true reflection of our discussion and, as always, provides clarity over next steps. Thank you for also highlighting the positives, which are easy for us to miss in the current climate. The team will be delighted to read that progress is being made but they will also be eager to embrace your suggestions for improvement.
HeadteacherStaffordshire secondary school
Thanks for your visit on Thursday. We found it inspiring and we look forward to continuing to work with you. Diolch
HeadteacherWelsh secondary school
We have found the principles under-lying the project to be sound and our involvement has led to better PP interventions, best practice relationships with a number of schools, has prompted the overall of our entire data and reporting system and has got us carefully considering the future of setting within our school, and the project has seen a couple of middle leaders really step up as potential senior leaders within the school. Louise has been brilliant as a coach.
HeadteacherBirmingham secondary school